• Office Hour: 08:00am - 6:00pm



Do you have any questions?


To provide you the secure service we do not publicly mention all the security precautions. But we can surely provide you the details of all the steps that you can carry to protect the data. The back end of the server code used to run your application is using a secure SSL certificate. We also store the passwords and in some cases we also store the data . The framework that we use provides tested features and out of the box services.

In some cases the projects can be completed really fast but in some cases they are not. We apply more developer source to a project but in some cases there are security requirements so it cannot be done.

Yes, we recommend you to launch your app or website with the simplest version and after that develop it with more changes and schemes. Moreover, when you launch something new you need to see that the entire design is based on assumptions so, these can be tested only when you release these. You can either update your apo or website or schedule the delivery.

In the native app development there is default language for both the iOS and Android while in the cross platform framework there is use of coding.